Monday, 11 April 2011

Chester Zoo-licious

The life of a writer is a solitary one. Just you, your keyboard or pen and your imagination. Sometimes that imagination needs a little stimulation. I often feel as if my brain is like a filter coffee machine. It fills up with ideas and then drips, drips, drips into the carafe (a.k.a computer keyboard) below until it's empty and then it has to be filled up all over again. And sometimes, to fill it up, I need to get out and about - anywhere. That's why when I get to visit somewhere like New York, I can write and write until my fingers feel like they are falling off because I've seen and heard so much and my mind is brimming with ideas.

So when I said I needed a day out my son, Stefan, said 'let's go to Chester Zoo!'

Okay, the zoo sounds good - why not?

Chester Zoo is a truly amazing place. One of the best zoos in Britain. With over 7,000 animals - more than 400 species of rare, exotic, endangered animals and a major player in conservation programmes.

Just milling about, listening to snippets of conversation and, of course seeing the animals, set my mind working straight away.

We found ourselves entangled in a group of young, school children on a field trip and got swept along with them. Stefan said he didn't mind because he could see over their heads to take photos!

I kept my ears trained. Kids are always a source of inspiration. They didn't let me down.

Child: 'Miss Evans. I want to be an ostrich.'

Child: 'Miss. I've dropped my camera in the bat cave.'

Child (screaming with excitement): 'Look. Look. I can see the spectacular Bear.'
Teacher: It's Spectacled bear, Simon. Not spectacular.'

* * *

April is clearly a good month to visit the zoo. Lots of baby animals.

Cutest thing ever is a baby Porcupine.

The 'spectacular' bear!

Gotta love Meerkats!

Walking through the butterfly house was like being in a Disney movie. Stunningly beautiful butterflies everywhere. They literally seem to float past your eyes. There is a mirror at the exit to check that a butterfly hasn't landed on you and you about to take it outside.

Ron and Stefan.

Stefan's favourite animals - Okapi. It kind looks like a cross between a zebra and a giraffe.

It was a truly lovely day out. Weather fab. Zoo fab. Lots of snippets of conversation and characters to get my creative juices flowing. And if you want to see anymore of my 'zoo' photos they will be on facebook. Please leave me a comment if you read this blog. I love to hear from you, whoever you are, wherever you are. And if you have your own blog. Tell me so I can look you up.

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